Step 1: 1: Go to, and select the categories you are interested in
Step 2: Choose the product you are interested in.
How do I get verified suppliers to reply within 48 hours?
Go to and click Post Buying Request
How do I find trustworthy suppliers?
Step 1: Enter the product name in the Search Bar.
Step 2: Click Search.
How do I compare product / supplier information?
Step 1: Search products.
Step 2: Check the "Compare" on the results page under the product image
How can I find assessed suppliers?
Using the search filter to find Assessed Suppliers
How do I contact suppliers who are online?
After performing a search, click
online button to communicate in real-time with your trading partners.
How do I contact suppliers who are offline?
After performing a search, click
,the Contact Supplier button near the product image.
How do I contact suppliers who are online?
After performing a search, click
How do I contact suppliers who are offline?
After performing a search, click