- 11 Countries Investment
- Through the real round enterprises video display to 11 countries customers,let investors get idea of the development zone of your enterprise on internet instead of field survey.
- Through the 11countries oversea website,you can establish the image of development zone
- Through the project merchants advertisement is published,let investors find you automatically
- Through the electronic map navigation,let investors find out the location of the development zone
$10235 -25285 / year
11 countries display
- Through the 11countries oversea website,you can establish the image of development zone
- Through the project merchants advertisement is published,let investors find you automatically.
- Through the electronic map navigation,let investors find out the location of the development zone
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$5720 -13245 / year
- Value-added services
- Overseas Promotion
- Organized missions
- Overseas visitors
- 11 State Ad
- Newspapers Merchants