印度尼西亚国际电力及新能源展览会暨印尼中华总商会、印中经济社会与文化合作协会和印中商务理事会光盘派发光盘派发 |
The “Chinese Suppliers” CDs are being distributed to buyers when the organizing commission members sign in. |
Buyers are looking at the “Chinese Suppliers” CD given to them when they are ready to take the entrance ticket. |
Buyers are entering the exhibition hall with the “Chinese Suppliers” CD in hands. |
2012年赴马来西亚中国进出口商品展暨新加坡中国商会光盘派发 |
《中国-东盟自由贸易网》每年赴东盟6国展会设立展台,在推广网站的同时,还为会员单位通过展会光盘的推广获得商机。 |
作为中新合作双方信息互换交流的项目,《中国一东盟自由贸易网》为会员制作的光盘提供给新加坡中国商会。 商会发到对口企业。 |
2012 Go to Cambodia international industry Expo and promote CD |
The Organizing Committee Office was distributing CDs of “China Supplier” |
Foreign merchant taking the entrance of card, and holding CDs of “China Supplier” walking into the exhibition. |
In front of China- Asean free trade website buyers were taking CDs of “China Supplier” |
About 1000 “China Supplier” pieces of CDs that are made for members were totally took away and then they asked how to find suppliers on the China-Asean free trade websit. |
印度尼西亚国际电力及新能源展览会暨印尼-中国经济,社会与文化合作协会光盘派发光盘派发 |
CDs of China supplies are distributed at this exhibition. |
CDs of China supplies are distributed at the service of exhibition. |
The buyer was checking the products in the CD of China supplies. |
China-Asean free trade website produce 1000 copies CDs for members which will be handed to every member , we also send these CDs to enterprises and guilds through “Indonesian Chinese Chamber of Commerce”, “Indonesia - China Economic, Social and Cultural Cooperation Association”,
“Indonesia China Business Council”. |
作为印中合作双方信息互换交流的项目,《中国一东盟自由贸易网》为会员制作的光盘提供给商会。 商会发到对口企业。 |
印中企业洽谈期间,《中国一东盟自由贸易网》向印尼企业派发光盘 |
2011年赴马来西亚中国进出口商品展暨马六甲中小型工业公会,州政府发展局,新加坡中国商会光盘派发 |
为会员制作《中国制品采购指南》光盘在展会现场派发。 |
《中国-东盟自由贸易网》经贸代表团赴州府发展局交流,并向政府赠送光盘。 |
为会员制作的光盘提供给马六甲中小型工业公会发到对口企业。 |
作为中新合作双方信息互换交流的项目,《中国一东盟自由贸易网》为会员制作的光盘提供给新加坡中国商会。 商会发到对口企业。
2011年赴第五届菲律宾国际工业与模具、橡塑机械、 焊接设备、自动化控制、仪器仪表五大展暨菲律宾工商总会光盘派发 |
展会现场向各国采购商提供光盘。 |
为会员制作的1000张展会推荐光盘除了赠送给菲华工商总会外,在现场被印尼采购商一扫而光。 |
菲中企业联谊期间,《中国一东盟自由贸易网》向菲律宾企业派发光盘 |
作为中新合作双方信息互换交流的项目,《中国一东盟自由贸易网》为会员制作的光盘提供给菲工商会。 商会发到对口企业。 |
2011赴第十二届马来西亚槟城国际工业展暨马来西亚中小型工业公会,马来西亚吉中中华工商联合会光盘派发 |
中国-东盟自由贸易网现场设展,为会员企业播放,派发光盘,现场接待买家和代理商询盘,让买家通过网上与企业联系。 |
外商通过光盘介绍正在网上向国内会员询盘。 |
作为中马合作双方信息互换交流的项目,《中国一东盟自由贸易网》为会员制作的光盘提供给马来西亚中小型工业公会,马来西亚吉中中华工商联合会发到对口企业。 |
马来西亚光盘 |
2010 went to Malaysia Chinese Export Commodities Exhibition and distributed CD disk to Small and Medium Industries Association of Malacca , Chinese general Chamber of Commerce in Singapore |
"Chinese Products Buyer's Guide" CD-ROM was distributed at the scene. |
as Introduced by the disc ,foreign enquire to domestic members online |
Foreigner invester learn how to carry out in eleven country trade in" China - ASEAN free trade website. |
Small and Medium Industries Association of Malacca presented gift to " China - ASEAN free trade website " |
Singapore and china business group took photo. |
" China - ASEAN free trade website " make CD disk for member |
2010 Go to 10th vietnam international tool machine,rubber and palstic and promote CD in cambodia-china trade committee |
On the scene of exhibition,“China-Asean free trade website”clerks answer the question of customers and distribute CD |
Buyers inquire the product of inland members on China-Asean free trade website |
Chian-Asean free trade website”CD are distributed on the exhibition service center |
According to the registration of buyers indentify,the clerk of organizing committee give buyer chest card and the”China-Asean free trade website” promotion CD”Procurement guideline of Chinese products” |
The president of cambodia-china trade committee and general mananger of China-Asean free trade website exchange message about which over 25 thousand comedian buyers have traded on China-Asean free trade website through the promotion of committee for 6 years.In this time,President Zhao introduced general manager of producing mineral spring water to minister qiu in order to make cooperation.Because the local automobile fitting market are thriving,the president decide to be the agent of auto electric motor,window lifter. |
Vietnam CD |
2010 6th Go to Brunei international procurement fair and promote CD in chinese general chamber of commerce,Brunei |
Organizing Committee clerks distribute CDs to forgein customers in sign-in desk. |
As the Brunei and china cooperation event,we provide chammber of commerce with CD produced for our members by china-Asean free trade website,and then the clerk of chammber distribute it to contra-aperture enterprises.. |
During the meeting of Brunei and chinese enetrprisers,The clerk of china-Asean free trade website distribute CD to Brunei enterprises |
Brunei CD |
2010 Go to 5th indonesia chinese machine and electronic products trade fair and promote CD in indonesia-china association of economy,society and culture cooperation |
Except presented to indonesian chamber of commerce,1000 CDs produced for our members were got rid of by indonesian buyers. |
As the indonesia and china cooperation event ,we provide chammber of commerce with CD produced for our members by china-Asean free trade website,and then the clerk of chamber distribute it to contra-aperture enterprises. |
On the scene of fair |
Indonesian CD |
2009 Go to 6th Malaysia chinese import and export products fair and promote CD in smal and medium industry guild,Malaysia |
"china-Asean free trade website"clerks distribute 1500 CD producing for website users to oversea customers. |
Except the CD of member were distributed to each of buyers by organizing committee in check-in booth,we aslo distributed CD of enterprises to contra-aperture enterprises and industry association. |
During the meeting of Malaysian and chinese enterprises ,The clerk of china-Asean free trade website distribute CD to Malaysia enterprises. |
Malaysia CD
2008 Go to 5th malaysia chinese import and export products fair and promote CD in 3 great malaysia chamber of commerce |
On the scene of Malaysian exhibition,The "chinese merchants"CD produced for our members were promoted,distributed and played.Through buyers contacted with the domestic merchants to inquire and purchase products on the china-Asean free trade website,let the enterprise that didn't attend exhibition get the commercial chance as the same as the enterprise at exhibition |
the president of Malaysia-china trade(right1)Yang,vice president zhang(left1) and leader of china-Asean free trade website exchange message for increasing bilateral trade on internet |
the president of Malaysia-china trade present leader of china-Asean free trade website with “co-create business”nameplate.We provided the general chamber of Malaysia and china with "chinese investor and merchants" CD to develop bilateral trade. |
SMI Association of Malaysia has cooperated with us for 4 years. Mr. Jiang, minister of international trade ministry was assigned for exhibition and said: we had read that 3 major local newspapers had reported your delegation and there would be about 100 thousand Malaysian enterprises doing on-line trade. As a part of mutual information exchange: Malaysian partner provided a directory including about 5000 member enterpries of its own, Chinese partner provided a pack of discs introducing Chinese investors and traders. We will promote trade of our 2 countries by both on-line trading and disc distributing |
www.chinaaseantrade.com presented discs introducing Chinese investors and traders to KCCCI, who will distribute them to counterpart enterprises and association |
Malaysia CD |
2009 Go to 18th vietnam international industry Expo and promote CD in 3 great china-vietnam border trade area |
Distributed CD to oversea buyers on the scene of Vietnam international industry fair. |
vietnam CD |
2008 Go to 17th vietnam international industry Expo and promote CD in national chamber of commerce,vietnam |
On the scene of Vietnam and china Expo,1000 "chinese suppliers"CDs produced for our members were promoted,distributed and played.Through buyers contacted with the domestic merchants to inquire and purchase products on the china-Asean free trade website,let the enterprise that didn't attend exhibition get the commercial chance as the same as the enterprise at exhibition |
As the Vietnam and china cooperation event,we provide chamber of commerce with CD produced for our members by china-Asean free trade website,and then the clerk of chamber distribute it to contra-aperture enterprises.
On the scene of exhibition,we demonstrated our website and CD for the vietnamese responsible person and exchange the opinion of the development situation about chian-Asean free trade website and the plan of further cooperation |
Vietnam CD |
2009 Go to 4th Philippines international industry mould,rubber and plastic machine,welding equipment,automatic control equipment and instrument fair and promote CD in association of industry and commerce,Philippines |
We provided every countries buyers with CD of enterprises on the scene of exhibition. |
Except dontating to Philippines and china general chamber of industry and commerce,the other of 1000 CDs produced for our member were quickly taken out by indonesian buyers on the scene |
During the meeting of Philippine and chinnese enterprisers,The clerk of china-Asean free trade website distribute CD to Philippine enterprises. |
philippine CD |
2009 Go to 4th indonesia chinese machine and electronic products trade fair and promote CD in 3 great chamber of commerce,indonesia |
We provided every countries buyers with CD of enterprises on the scene of indonesian exhibition. |
Except dontating to three great chamber of indonesia:chinese general chamber of commerce,indonesia,indonesia-china cooperation association of encomy,society and culture and indonesia-china business council,the other of 1000 CDs produced for our member were quickly taken out by indonesian buyers on the scene |
During the meeting of indonesian and chinese enetrprisers,The clerk of china-Asean free trade website distribute CD to indonesia enterprises. |
Indonesian CD |