No matter how good products, only depending on right selling channel, then could rely on factory, tend towards to customers, and achieve their value. With the development of internet, we have a more channel to promote our products, that’s Chinaaseantrade. Under this trade platform, you just click mouse, then you will find lots of buyers and sellers. Every day, we open email box, new inquiries come to us, indeed, and it saves much cost and time.
No matter where inquiries and emails, we always try our best to reply them at the first time. After all, the business chance don’t await any person, time is fortune. Generally, when you reply or quote at the first email, it almost has no any response. That’s normal, there are so many suppliers, and customers also need time to compare and evaluate before they place order. This requests us to follow up customers constantly and keep a long-term relationship. Some customers maybe order a sample to test, but some customers maybe choose other suppliers. It doesn’t matter, keep on supplying good service and let customer remember you, the opportunity will come in future.
An unexpected economical depression downed the order and inquiry, but after it, the new boom economic will bring in. Therefore, we should consider how to catch new business opportunity and well use Chinaaseantrade platform. To know ourselves and each other, then you can win each time. As a trade foreign team , we need to improve our capability consistently, by knowing our products and customers in depth, then we could do well in our business. Wish everyone has a good luck and great harvest in new year.