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Place of Origin: Vietnam
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Last Updated: 2025-01-05 21:32
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I am looking to purchase Heat Transfer Paper. I would like to establish a relationship between us. I want to ask you about prices and quantity of course we want to buy a large amount of heat transfer papers or if possible we want to be your international agent as in opening shop selling your product under your company brand in Vietnam.So at fist、Can i have some question of this product before making any further purchase: 1. Do we need any chemical during transferring the image into the material ? 2. Each material need different paper like for fabric、mugs & shirt need different paper ?NOTE: I am looking for A paper that can transfer image into all kind of material such as : "metals、mugs、cotton、hybrid cotton、poly without coating nor chemical. Actually we are selling that kind of paper but to transfer image on dark and black color material needs other kind of paper. 3. The price of heat transfer paper、please tell me the price for each kind. Example : HTP[heat transfer paper] for light & white color material、HTP for Dark & black color material? 4. The procedure of exporting heat transfer paper or being branch、any advantage or discount or promotion and the price of the product? 5. Transfer into concrete、tiles、metal can withstand friction and water ? 6. The quality、color、after transfer? After washing or high temperature?
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