We designed buy nickel ore 240,000 MT,
Amount: 20,000 MT X 12 month = 240,000 MT,
The quality and features
nickel : 2.40 % MIN (REJECTED BELOW 1.80%)
Fe : 18.00 % MIN
Si02 : 22.00.% MAX
N.s : 12.30.% MAX
Mgc : 7.00.% MAX
Co : 0.04.% MAX
Cr : 1.50.% MAX
Cao : 8.50.% MAX
Moisture : 4 % MAX
Packing : in bulk
Size : 5 mm - 120 mm.
please give I nickel ore entire index and photograph and latest or anterior SGS data.
price: if you can supply please give I best rivalrous CIF USD port Xiamen china price,