Brand:Nine delong
Description:The another name damping sheet called damping block,that is a viscoelastic material stick the inner surface of car body,cling to the steel of the car.In order to reduce noise and vibration effect.that is to say effect damping
Origin:China Jiangsu
Payment Terms:T/T
Supply Time:Day
Delivery Time:2017-06-30
Product detail: The main machine host includes the AC motor, torque limited coupling, gear box, oil lubricating system, feeding system, barrel & screw, heating system, vacuum pumping system, soft water circulating cooling system, machine bed etc.
The another name damping sheet called damping block,that is a viscoelastic material stick the inner surface of car body,cling to the steel of the car.In order to reduce noise and vibration effect.that is to say effect damping