Origin:China Jiangsu
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Product detail:Dealkalization Resin
Bestion provides several types of resins for dealkalization including strong base anion resins, weak acid cation resins and strong acid cation resins withfine mesh resins, coarse mesh resins.
Dealkalization by anion exchange resins is accomplished by the exchange of chloride for all of the Bicarbonate, Carbonate, Sulfate and Nitrate ions are takenup by the Bojietech ion exchange resin and an equivalent amount of Chloride is released by the resin into the water. It is typically regenerated with salt Sodium Chloride.
Dealkalization by weak and strong cation resins is accomplished by exchange of hydrogen ion for hardness ions. This process reduces the Bicarbonate Alkalinity and the pH of the treated water. They are typically regenerated with HCl or H2SO4. Hydrogen ion combines with alkalinity to form carbon dioxide which is removed by degasification in a second treatment step.
All Bestioh products used for dealkalization are available with the WQA Gold Seal, certified to the ANSI/NSF 61 Standard.