Product detail:
- The price bottles sailing craft and sailing craft depends the vary acoording to size and complexity. Price from Rp 200.000 until Rp 4.000.000.
- The art and design sailing craft of skilled labor and experienced.
- The right packaging material and protect your products against damage. With a solid foundation of many years of experience, we have developed packaging solutions.
Tipe A: Bonti, San Juan, Endeavour, Whaler, Batavia, Santa Maria.
Tipe B (Around Rp 2.000.000): James Cook, Esmeralda, Cutty Shark, Eagle, Crusentren.
Tipe C (Around Rp 1.500.000): KRI Dewa Ruci dan Pinisi Nusantara.
Another Tipe : Gajah Mada (Palapa), Gloria, Kaiwa Maru, One and All, Providence, Maldives, Pinta, Hogan, Red Dragon, Romawi, ETC.
- Price list :
- Type A : Price Rp 3.500.000 P 150-175 cm, T 120-140 cm, L 50 cm
- Type B : Price Rp 2.750.000 P 120-130 cm, T 140 cm, L 40 cm
- Type C :Price Rp 1.500.000 P 100 cm, T 75 cm, L 30 cm
- Type D : Price Rp 800.000 P 75 cm, T 60 cm, L 25 cm
- Type E : Price Rp 350.000 P 60cm, T 45 cm, L 20 cm
- Type F : Price Rp 250.000P 44-45 cm, T 35-45 cm, L 15 cm
Bottle / Ball Lamp: Price Rp 100.000 In various sizes