Product detail:
Operation Mining
KW.KTN 2007 023 Ep, Kecamatan Samboja, Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara, Propinsi Kalimantan Timur with 8.6 million square metres
Production Capacity
Currently reaching 125.000 MT per month and ongoing plan to increasing productiuon capacity up to180.000 MT on June 2009 to fulfill enquiry form new buyer.
Stockpile Loation (Jetty)
Located on Gunung Harang Jetty, Handil, Kecamatan Samboja, Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara, Propinsi Kalimantan Timur. Stockpile capacity : 200.000 MT.
Crushing Plan
Located on same place with Stockpile Gunung Harang JettyQuantity : 2 (two) sets
Port of Loading & Capacity
GUNUNG HARANG Jetty has 2 (two) Jetty and able to uploading to barge boat/tug boat 270 feet (maks. 5,.500 MT) within 1 (one) full day operation. To speed up uploading time we build 2 (two) set of conveyor belt and will be operated soon. This system is to complete our trucking system.
Distance of Stockpile Jetty/ Loading port
It is about +/- 28 km passing through new road which also used by oil company on those area.
Trans-Shipment Point and Capacity
Muara Berau dan Muara Jawa as exit access to loading point of Mother Vessel with load capacity 40.000 – 60.000 MT.
DistanceTrans-Shipment Point
Jetty to loading point of Mother Vessel is about 30 nautical miles (knot) or taking time around 10 -12 hour sail.
Floating Crane Facility
We offer Floating Crane for Mother Vessel Panamax or Handymax which not has equipped with uploader facility with very competitive rental price.
Independent Surveyor
Quality control laboratory and final quantity conducted by GEOSERVICE, SUCOFINDO, CARSURIN or GEOSERVICES at loading port and/or at loading point (vessel).
Covered by AIA insurance, Lloyd within trans-shipment to destination port delivery.