Product detail:
We, PT. SAMSON PERKASA UTAMA as authorized mandatory mining owner, with full legal and corporate responsibilities, hereby confirm that we are ready, willing and able to sell Indonesian Non-Coking Steam Coal from South Kalimantan, Indonesia.
- GCV 6300 - 6100
- GCV 5800 - 5600
- GCV 5500 - 5300
For further information, please contact us :
Irwan Santoso (Xu Wei Ming) : +6285-3279 99938
(English & Chinese Language)
Thank you for your kind attention
PT. Samson Perkasa Utama & corporations :
* PT. KCC Mining Service Indonesia
* CV. Bhara Rosa Energi Coal
* PT. Kusuma Raya Utama
* PT. Stanindo
* PT. Karunia Agung Mandiri
* PT. Ramazan Enerindo Nusantara