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Product detail:

Intra is a unique blend of 23 botanicals which helps to blaance and strengthen the body's eight botanical systems, as well as guard against the adverse health effects of pollutants. 

Eigth Biological Systems supported by intra:

1.  Cardiovascular 

Primary Botanicals: Reishi Mushroom, Chinese Pearl Barley

Function: Have been shown to support a healthy cardovascular system

2.  Digestive & Energy 

Primary Botanicals: Aoe Vera, Siberian Ginseng, Licorice Root, Chinese Pearl Barley, Chicory Root, Dandelion, German Charmomile, Alfalfa, Fenugreek Seed, Bee Pollen, Ginger

Function: Aid in helping to digest food and drinks so our body so our body can use them to build and nourish cells and provide energy.

3.  Eliminative/Antioxidant

Primary Botanicals: Aloe Vera, Chinese Barley, Schisandra Berry, Chicory Root, Dandelion, Cascara Bark, Junifer Berries. Celery Seed

Function: Help rid the body of wastes "manufactured" in the digestive process and through normal metabolism, as well as neutralize toxins from our food, drinks and environment. 

4.  Endocrine (Hormonal)

Primary Botanical : Astragalus 

Function: Have the ability to modulate the fuctioning of glands, which release chemicals that eventually control every other system in our body.


Primary Botanicals: Licorrice Root, Astragalus, Reishii Mushroom, Chinese Rose Hips, Thyme 

Function: Strengthen our body's natural ability to protect itself.

6. Nervous

Primary Botanicals: Siberian Ginseng, Astragalus, Passion Flower

Function: Support the coordination of our brain, spinal cord, and network of nerves that thread throughout our entire body.

7. Reproductive 

Primary Botanical: Pipsissewa

Function: Have been shown to balance hormones, leading to a healthy reproductive system

8. Structural ( Musculoskeletal)

Primary Botanicals: Ginger, Sarsaparilla, Capsicum Fruit

Function: Help to keep bones, muscles, joins and connective tissue healthy-helping us stand tall and move more freely while protcting the dlicate insides of our body. 

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