Product detail:
Paymaster+ would allow the attendance of the registeredemployee only and record in the database. Paymaster+ requires only a minimumhardware to operate online.
Paymaster+ facilitates auto scheduling and able to indicateon the calendar when is the block-leave (cuti massal). It also has the featureto indicate SPL (Surat Perintah Lembur) to verify with the actual overtime. Paymaster+is designed with high integrity of security and system interaction so thatghost payroll can be prevented, also auto verification of Cuti Haid andMaternity Leave. By using Paymaster+ all administrative work would be minimizedwith a superior database management and accurate result, where payroll processwould just be in one touch.
Paymaster+ supports both blue and white collar pay process,from monthly, daily or pay per piece of work done. To complete all, Paymaster+includes the Jamsostek, insurance and Pph21 as well as reminder of theexpiration of the employee contract. All information can be easily retrievedfrom filtered interactive screens or reports. Upon process of salary, systemwould generate report to the bank, accounting department, list of payroll,report of PPh and Jamsostek and pay slips. With Paymaster+, one touch solvesall!