Product detail:City Fundamental Information Exchange Platform
The cityfundamental information exchange platform uses service orientedarchitecture to perform information exchange, application integration,service process control, unified insurance system and other functionsin application of grid technology. Via this platform, the governmentdepartments, financial institutions and associated enterprises areconnected together.
City Information Resources Sharing and Application Platform
Thecity information resources sharing and application platform is adistributed grid environment based on unified information resources ofa city (i.e. fundamental information about population, legal persons,natural resources, space, geography and macro-economy), where themaintenance of different fundamental information shall be conducted bydifferent service department. This platform provides comprehensiveinformation services to city emergency collaboration response andsocial integrated services.
Social Comprehensive Service Platform
Thesocial comprehensive service platform uses fundamental facilities ofcity fundamental information exchange platform, and it is consists ofuser terminals, comprehensive service portal and associated servicedepartments of the government. It is designed to provide socialcomprehensive services for the public.
Emergency Collaboration Command System
Orientedfor governments, the collaborated emergency command system is designedfor the entire process of responding to the emergency and incidentsreporting of the emergency, collection of related data, judgment ofemergency level, real-time communication, response command, sitesupport and decision making, allowing the government departments to getoverall information of the emergency, respond more quickly to theincidents, make better coordination of the relevant personnel and makedecisions on a proven basis. Further, this system can help to reducethe level of difficulty in work.