The 4th Trade and Investment Seminar was jointly organized by “Indonesian Chinese Chamber of Commerce”, “Indonesia - China Economic, Social and Cultural Cooperation Association”,“Indonesia China Business Council”, and “Indonesia International Daily News”, “Sin chew Daily”, China-Asean free trade website in Shangri-La Hotel. |
China-Asean free trade website Manager Xu thanks for the top three Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and the top two newspaper bureaus which have made great contributions to impulse trade of online, and also thanks for the yearly Trade and Investment seminar that makes enterprises one by one and face to face to communicate and cooperate. |
Chinese and Indonesia companies gather and meet together.
Manager Mao who is from Shanghai Xinxing Spot Lamp factory introduces to Indonesian companies. |
Indonesia company said that he has been Japanese agent for about 20 years, now he was considering to be agent for Chinese products. |
Manager Zhang who is from Shanghai JingQuan introduced diamond equipments and cooperators. |
Indonesia company introduce the industry that they are engaged in and to find partners. |
Manager Fan who is from Shanghai Special cable factory introduced his products. |
Indonesian electricity and new energy companies express their willingness to cooperate. |
Shanhhai Hongzhou introduced Electric winding machine products.
Manager Liu of Shanghai Changxiong Rubber and plastic machine talked with buyers , and the buyers talked about the agency the next day again. |
Shanghai Qinhui Food machine was discussing with the buyer.
Shanghai Dongxun electric motor were discussing with the Counterpart company. |
Shanghai Fanuo Wind energy talked something over with the foreign firm. |
Indonesian company wants to be agent of Hongyu solar water heater ,and his son was asked to continued the discuss next day. |
Shanghai Jinrui Fastener talked about agency with Indonesian company.
Shanghai Guangwei Gummed Tape talked about agency with Indonesian importer. |
Shanghai Yuluxue solar energy manager Zhu were discussing with Indonesian electricity company ,next day they entertained Manager Zhu and talked about issues of agency. |
China-Asean free trade website give presents to the top three Chamber of Commerce.
Photo of Chinese and Indonesian sides for memory.
Chinese and Indonesian companies were discussing in dinner party. |
Improve the two countries`s relationship through dinner party.