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Vietnam Vets go bush for ANZAC day

放大字体  缩小字体 Post date:2013-04-25  来源:ABC Online  Views:248
Tips:Vietnam veterans from the central coast of NSW have joined locals of a tiny outback Queensland town to commemorate ANZAC
 Vietnam veterans from the central coast of NSW have joined locals of a tiny outback Queensland town to commemorate ANZAC day.
In what's an annual pilgrimage, a dozen veterans joined the Yaraka community on a mountain for a dawn service in Queensland's central west.
New Zealand Vietnam veteran, Clarence Ormsby says it's a spectacular location to remember his fellow comrades.
"Wow, this is magic. If this is what heaven's about mate, then we're in it.
"This is fabulous to be here in this mountain top. Watching the sunrise and having an ANZAC service is just so special."

Keyword: 越南

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