Fast Delivery Raw Natural Black Cheap Virgin Malaysian Hair For Sale Cheap

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Update: 2013-12-18
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100% Brazilian raw natural black cheap virgin malaysian hair Extensions For LadiesBrazilian raw natural black cheap virgin malaysian hair Extensions is the highest quality of hair extensions you can get. Virgin hair is chemically unprocessed and is not colored or texturally changed. For cynosure hair. if the hair was Black and wavy when it was collected, it is sold Black and wavy on the market. Other hair types may undergo processes like relaxing and curling to alter the texture of the hair. Virgin hair kind of hair is collected from a single donor and except for a washing and drying, they are completely unprocessed. How To Distinguish Hair Materials:Sheddng Test:Dyeing Test:Measure Length & Weight:How To Care Hair:Payment & Shipment:Return Policy:FAQ:Hair Extensions Frequently asked questionsQ What exactly are hair extensions?A.This is adding hair to your own hair by means of fusion (strand by strand), weaving, braiding, bonding, seamless, clips and more. There are many variations to all of these techniques at Hairdoctors and many stylists call these by different names. Human hair extensions can be cut, curled and styled.Q. Will hair extensions damage my hair?A. As long as the hair extensions are applied properly and you take the proper care of them there should be no damage. A lot of this depends on you. If you are a very restless sleeper you can damage your hair because the constant rubbing on a pillow can cause your hair to be pulled out. It is best to sleep with your hair in a braid or pony tail to help this. You need to be gentle with your hair. If you are used to just ripping a brush or comb through your hair they may not be for you. Using the correct brush helps and making sure your hair is kept tangle free and free flowing is very important. Extensions are not hard to take care of you just have to be aware of them so you don't catch them with a comb or your fingers.Our number one recommendation is to run your fingers between your bonds every day to keep your extensions separated.-Brush once a day with a loop brush if your hair is thick or a natural bristle brush reinforced with nylon bristles for finer hair. So if you have a brush and it feels like it is tearing your hair out it probably is.-Don't go to bed with wet hair.-Wear a ponytail or braid to bed.-Hold your hair at the roots or base when combing. This will keep tension off of your own hair.-Dry your bonds after washing and you can let the rest air dry.Q Can hair extensions be cut?A. Absolutely! Hair extensions can be cut and styled in almost any way that you want. With that said, cutting hair extensions is no easier than cutting normal hair and it is advised that you have a professional do it. Hairdoctors trains their stylists to properly do so. In fact, many consider it much more difficult to cut hair extensions because there are subtle differences in how to approach cutting them.Q. Can I color my Hair Extensions?A. You can do anything with human hair extensions that you can do to your natural hair. This includes dyeing, cutting, heat styling and chemically processing your human hair. At Hairdoctors we often dye extensions to get an exact match to their natural hair color.Q: Are hair extensions painful?A: There should be NEVER be any pain or discomfort associated with the hair extensions. At Hairdoctors we make sure you have the best experience possible. A slight awkwardness can be expected on the first night or two of sleeping on hair extensions, but this is due to the new feeling of the attachment. It is also an adjustment to suddenly have long hair, and have to deal with hair around the face while sleepingQ. Can anyone notice that I am wearing hair extensions?A. If the application is done at Hairdoctors, that means with a qualified and trained Stylist, it is nearly impossible to tell. The only way some can guess you have them is because your hair is so amazingly beautiful they just assume you must have some extensions otherwise how could you have so much beautiful hair.Q. Are there any issues with swimming and hair extensions?A. Yes you can go swimming in a pool or hot tub, but try to avoid the ocean. Juts make sure to wash your hair as soon as you get out. Also try not to braid your hair when you swim. Put a little bit of spray in conditioner on before and after you are done swimming.Q. What are better, straight or wavy hair extensions?A. It depends on what you do with your hair. If it is typically straight then keep it that way. If you like to change it we recommend wavy as it can be worn straight or curled.Q. Who is a good candidate for hair extensions?A: Almost anyone can wear hair extensions. There are, however, a few cases in which it might be advised against, or one method of application may be better than another. For example, someone suffering with Alopecia would not be considered a good candidate, as well as those taking certain medications, or with genetic disorders causing loss of their natural hair. You should always schedule a consultation at Hairdoctors before having hair extensions appliedQ. If my hair is damaged from chemicals; can I have hair extensions put in?A. Yes. Our priority is to protect your hair from any damage so that you can improve your look with confidence. In some cases, clients experience hair growth and fortification because the extensions force them to stop over processing. Q. How long can I leave my hair extensions in?A. The answer to this question depends on how fast your natural hair grows and how well you take care of your extensions. Typically, because at Hairdoctors extensions are applied with such meticulous attention to detail and natural appearance, they have a much longer life than older, traditional hair extensions methods. Typically our clients can leave them in for up to six months!Q. How often should I get my Hair Extensions Maintained?A. You should schedule your maintenance appointment around the 6-week periodQ. How do I wash my hair extensions?A. Wash the hair in one direction. From top to bottom, avoid washing hair upside down in the sink. Use shampoos and conditioners that are for dry hair and add the most moisture. Wash hair right after swimming. When brushing your hair, start from the bottom and work your way up while holding the top part to keep it from shedding or streching.......

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