Guangzhou 2013 trendy noble designer handbags Features:Advantage:1. Guangzhouprofessional leatherbag factory;2. Brand leather bag supplier ;company profileGuangzhou City Baiyun District Zhanwang Leather Factory is established in2004 and located in the leather production base - Guangzhou and is close to Baiyun International Airport. The transportation is convenient. We have modern workshops, advanced production equipment and a brand operation center. Our factory professionally develops and produces all kinds of men's bags, shoulder bags, computer bags, briefcases, clutch bags, wallets, and so on.
Our factory follows the aim of "innovation, keep improving, honor first". Now we have over four hundred workers. We have professional technical employees, who can combine professional knowledge with market demands. We can develop the goods as per clients' requirements and follow the fashion trends.
Our products are beautiful, graceful and economical with new styles. Our company has strong technical force and production capacity and keeps long-term cooperative relationships with more than ten handbag & leather goods companies. We have eight years' OEM experience.
Having built up a good reputation among our customers, we welcome interested companies around the world to email or call us to form a cooperative relationship. We look forward to receiving your detailed inquiry in the near future.Please feel free to contact us . we hope to establish busness relationship with you.