Super absorbency ultra thin and super dry surface baby diaper Superabsorbentpolymer:Fluff pulpmixedwith SAP toabsorbthefluidquickly and keep the surfacedry.Let mommy do not have to worry about the baby red ass. Doubleelasticbarrier:3D leak preventiondesignedoflegcuffcaneffectively preventsideleakage.a. PE filmbacksheet:Itcanpreventanyleakage.b. Cloth like back sheet: More breathable and comfortable.HebeiOrientImp.&Exp.Co.Ltd.Our diapers have been approved a series of certifications and testings, let every mom be assured to use for baby.Q:Our Welcome to our website! Please feel free toemail usto getmore information. We are sure any yourquestion will get our prompt reply!