2013 steam senior mobile hand car wash equipment

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Price: 12000.00
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Update: 2013-12-04
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mobile hand car wash equipmentWorking Theory:Steam cleaning takes the advantage of heat and pressure. The heat can expand and soften the dust and degrade the oil stains. Then the high pressure steam can blow off all these dust and stains, and it will be better with assistance of towel or glove. So steam cleaning can clean up objects gently, with no damage on the surface. The high pressure has another advantage, that is to clean up corners, which traditional water-cleaning cannot compete with. Besides, the low humidity of the steam makes it able to clean meter panels, car engine etc, doing no harm to the circuit inside. Moreover, because of its heat, it has the sterilization effect to carpet.Feature : steam car washCWD12A-1 mobile hand car wash equipment is worked with 220V or380V/ 12KW,one steam gun (15bar), one micro water gun (with brush). Two tanks,30litersfor water,16 litersfor detergent.Usable range: steam car wash

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