T10 194 W5W 8SMD 1210/3528 Lamp Beads Auto Canbus

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Price: 8.00
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Update: 2013-12-04
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PRODUCT INFORMATIONNOTICE IN AUTO LED BULB : DASH BOARD ERROR MESSAGE--Please be advice that many modern luxury cars which computer built in such as Mercedes Benz, BMW,. etc., have sensors built into the dashboard computer system that can detect if light bulb works. However the purpose to use LED BULB is energy saving, which means the car computer will misjudge the LED BULB not work because of the low wattage to lead the error signal showed in your dashboard. Basically the bulb can be judged OK when the wattage goes up to 5 Watt and above, all LED BULBs themselves have nothing to do with this problem except you install resistor to enlarge the wattageThis product CANBUS LED T10 BULB is designed for solving this problemFLASH SPEED FOR SIGNAL/TURN LIGHT APPLICATION--Normally when you flip your turn signal switch, the light blinks at a set, slow pace. However, if you have modified your lights to use LEDs, you'll notice that the turn signals now blink very quickly. This is caused by the low resistance of the LEDs due to the fact that they use less energy. To correct the problem, you'll need to wire the turn signals in a parallel circuit. To do this, you'll be installing a resistor or control flasher.Some Demo Photos

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