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Xuzhou Ousai Sauna Equipment Co.,Ltd

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 Xuzhou Ousai Sauna Equipment Co.,Ltd


Main Product:sauna rooms |far-infrared rooms |podiatry system |energy spectrum housing |yoga works |shower rooms

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Xuzhou Ltd. is a collection European tournament sauna equipment research and development center in the integration of professional companies.

        The company's main products : sauna, far infrared rays bath rooms, health housing spectrum, high-temperature yoga, luminescence son. pedicure products. Relying on a strong technical force, carefully submarine in product development and improvement. Uphold the cause of human health services concept that far infrared technology is applied to the company's products, well-equipped, diversified distribution.

        European tournament sauna Equipment Company adhere to a comprehensive implementation of the international strategy has built up a network with international competitiveness in the global design, procurement network, and marketing and service network. And strict management system that can provide oem for OEM manufacturers around the world.

        Careers in the future, we will continue to uphold the "no I" "I superior" operating motto necessary for the office to users, "Honesty" create greater glories, built monument. Best, and welcomes the collaboration.

        I should be grateful if you need all the doubts and send it to us, we will work with the greatest sincerity to cooperate with you!

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