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 After the bomb attack in 2002, tourism strongly decreased in Bali which had a large decrease in employment as a consequence. Economically Bali touched a historical low point. This was the the main reason that AloveBali, (Aloe Vera Bali Organic Aloe Vera Liquid Fertilizer) was founded in 2003. The company was established by a sincere Dutch Business Man and called Mr Henk Swanenberg, whom realized how he could assist the local people, and also develop a global enterprise which would do a lot of good in the world for sustainable agriculture.. His vision is a Win Win Win for everybody concerned. AloveBali built up its own plantation and processing factory with up to 300 local employees whom help to produce the best quality Organic Aloe Vera Fertilizer in the world.
The plantations are established in Blahbatu in the south west of Bali. These plantations are grown with the Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller variety which has been scientifically proven to have the highest polysaccharide and acemanan content for a superior quality agricultural fertilizer. It offers future farming crops the best plant intelligence and nutrients for healthy growth and vitality. The factory and plantation has been set up under the guidance of an expert team of professors, agricultural scientists and advisers (from Holland, Indonesia and Australia) entirely to meet the requirements for production standards to process Aloe Vera for a superior eco sustainable Organic Liquid Fertilizer.
In the approaching years the plantation will extend to 1500 acres with good potential for further increase. At the moment AloveBali has a daily production of 25,000 liters of Aloe Vera Fertilizer extract and will be expanding in upcoming years to produce up to 50,000 liters per day (within 5 years) Aloe Vera Bali can provide the best quality Aloe Vera Barbadensis in the world. Based on several tests from Spectral Laboratory in Cologne our Aloe Vera belongs to the best quality Aloe Vera in the world. The average amount of Aloverose from the Aloe Vera from AloveBali is at least 3 times higher than the worlds average which makes our Aloe Vera Organic Fertilizer extra special and guaranteed to give positive results. AloveBali stands for quality and trust.
Bali has a good price/quality ratio with our own price system. With this interesting price system AloveBali can compete with every Liquid Fertilizer producer in the world.
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