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Villafuerte Aqua Marine Product

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 Villafuerte Aqua Marine Product


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Villafuerte Aqua Marine Product is owned and operated by Edsel Villafuerte. The undersigned established VAMP after working in a LIVE and FRESH Seafood Company.As of now,VAMP, is a supplier in a local market in Manila( exporter.) After taking training's, seminars and research, VAMP learned and achieved the proper technology of live grouper fish,lobster and redcrabs, it has a confidence of development, resulting good shipment and profit. Buyers are always having order since export quality products. The undersigned believe also that VAMP is possible to enter in International Market. I am welcoming possible investor and buyer for international market. The business plan, is to set up buying station to some area which has the target products,to provide company fishing boat for red coral trout and other kind of grouper fish, lobster and red crabs fishing operation and also to build a fish cages or fish farm building for the grow out of the undersized red coral trout grouper fish and lobster (culturing,)this is to reserve and prepare for especial events like Chinese New Year and non stock period due of typhoon and bad weather(no fishing operation.)
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