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Nur Parwanto Silver

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 Nur Parwanto Silver


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Nur parwanto silver
Located on yogyakarta and establish on 1978, we are a manufacture of home interior, accessories and silvers who mainly handling the export of indonesian home accessories and jewellery.
We choose 925 oz of silver to be our basic goods, all of the product made by hand, only hand, plaiting one by one, valuable and innovated.

As a producer we able to fulfill your needs design traditionally until modern style, and have pasted from quality control that we have always kept all the time. We also handle your own design according as our prior confirmation in detail and we are going to realize it (patterns/models, colors, also size, anything that can be plaited and painted can be made by the craftsmen)..

About price? No matter how much a like, are ever quite the same. Everything is judged by eye, by feel, by touch. When you buy one of their works of art, you'll get just that a work of art. Finally, that you very much for your best attention, and we are waiting for your positives reply, we are in hope to have a mutualism joint with you.
Silver Earring


Silver Oval Pendant


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