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Green Constitutes Sdn Bhd

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 Green Constitutes Sdn Bhd


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Green Constitutes Sdn Bhd was formed in September 2010. Under our energy division, we provide products and services under four main elements which are Wind Energy, Solar Energy, Energy Management and LED. Green Constitutes Sdn Bhd (GC) recently formed in September 2010 to assist government and commercial customers in enhancing business operations by offering alternatives in advancements of green technologies. We want to be part of the global effort, carried out by those of good will around the globe, in order to save the planet using the common sense. Our technical and management abilities had logically led us to conclude that we have a key role to play on various technologies that can help to improve our environment. We therefore set up the Energy Division, which comprise Wind Energy, Photovoltaic Solar Energy, Energy Management and Energy Efficient products range. We also offer solutions in Wind, Solar Farm Development playing a key role as a developer.
We see an enormous opportunity to help customers who are looking for solutions in green and sustainable technologies that require both well thought out integration, investment and technical plans. Our concepts and processes are environmentally friendly and are generally transparent to users. Green Constitutes is a provider of systems solutions and alternative technologies to the government and commercial sector, including products and services for research, energy management and energy efficiency.
Our core values are Greenfield Development; Turnkey Solutions; Technical and Commercial Management, which simply means Planning and Analysis; Execution; Operation and Maintenance. Our knowledge and research combined with our technical support and management services will allow our clients to enjoy services and solutions that are built for reliability.
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