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Lumut Crackers

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 Lumut Crackers


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Lumut CRACKERS is located in Lumut, Perak. We are the manufacturing company specializing in producing fresh prawn crackers for sale to convenient shops, supermarkets and direct to our customers. Our Company was established with the aim of providing authentic prawn crackers to Malaysians who have grown up eating prawn crackers and who continues to enjoy indulging in this appetising snack.

The current food processing industry is becoming increasingly competitive and profit driven. This results in many manufacturers using cheap substitutes to save cost and adding food colouring, flavouring, additives, enhancers, and preservatives. We at Lumut Crackers believe in using fresh wholesome and natural ingredients - our product does not compain any artificial ingredients. As our manufacturing processes are still based around being a cottage industry, its the closest you'll get to home cook style.
Prawn Crackers


Prawn Crackers


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