Cangnan Micwell Bags Factory is located in the luggage and bag production base of China. We are one of the professional manufacturers specialized in making different bags. Our main products are environmentally-friendly colorful non-woven bags, PP woven bags, nylon bags, shopping bags, cooler bags, tote bags, wine bags, promotional bags, beach bags/mats and fashion bags.
Based on advanced printing workmanship, we can provide you with one-step services, including the design to printing services, such as intaglio printing, relief printing, screen printing and thermal transfer printing.
We provide excellent services with good quality and competitive price. Adhering to the principle of "take the quality as the fundamental and customer-centric", we have established great relationships with many customers all over the world. If you are interested in our products, please do not hesitate to contact us for further information, and we will surely do our best to satisfy you.