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Guangzhou JR Lighting Equipment Co.,Ltd

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 Guangzhou JR Lighting Equipment Co.,Ltd


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 Guangzhou JR Lighting, a professional manufacturer of Stage lighting, including LED PAR Light, LED BAR Light,Matrix Audience Blinder,Moving Head Light,Mirror Ball,Theatre Projector,Effect Machine, City 
Color,SkyLight,Controller,Accessories, etc.
From the first day we set up the company, we focused on the business of entertainment Lighting, in the past years, we provided the market with professional moving head,we begin to provide the architectural lighting including LED products.We bear in mind from the first date that our goal is to play as an important role in the international lighting market.We always specialize in technology innovation and idea creativity.
Thanks to the efforts of all our staffs as well as the supports from our close cooperation customers ,we have the opportunity to grow up stronger and stronger.Hope you can join us to welcome the bright future of JR Lighting.
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