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Jw (John Woon) Latex Consultants

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 Jw (John Woon) Latex Consultants


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A latex technologist, Mr. Woon began his professional education in polymer science and technology in 1968. He continued his study and training in England and worked for international synthetic rubber company ltd. Now known as enichem in 1970's.
He joined the producer of the world's best prevulcanised nr latex (prevulcanized latex) revertex Malaysia sdn. Bhd. In 1981 and was actively involved in the marketing of a wide range of synthetic resins, polymers and natural rubber latex compounds. He headed the technical department of the natural rubber division of revertex Malaysia from 1987 until 2004. He had been instrumental in the design and development of some of the wide range of world renown revultex prevulcanised natural rubber latex for medical devices.
He had traveled extensively globally to conduct lectures on latex dipping technology and trouble shooting for the benefits of latex products manufacturers. He is a member of plastics and rubber institute, Malaysia, abe (uk) , icm (uk) and astm (international) committee d11.
John woon is now offering his service as a latex consultant who also acts as a reliable contact for the supply of many latex products, dipping machines and testing equipment.


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