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Manggala Java Art

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 Manggala Java Art


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Manggala Java Art is show room furniture and the official marketing company of MANGGALA furniture. A furnitur manufacturer company with specialize producing all kinds of teak wood products under the trademark MANGGALA JATI.
Career began in 1981 as a subcontractor of house developer company to supply teak wood materials, doors , door jamb and windows. in 1985 we established our first workshop in Klaten in Indonesia. In running the companies has been worked to build five stars interior hotel in Jakarta, Solo and Yogyakarta.
We established our first furniture factory in 1995 with 10.000 m2 then the second finished in year We have integrated furniture manufacturing system which include raw material processing, drying wood and finally producing standard quality of export furniture to supply Australia and The Netherlands market.

Manggala Java Art showroom used also for the product of ASMINDO in klaten ( Indonesian Furniture Industry and Handicraft Association) . We working together with Asmindo Klaten to help you explore diversity of product furniture and handicraft and the ability of a company to work with your order.


display cabinet jos


Bar Chair


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