Guangzhou Howard Leather Co., Ltd. was set up in 2004 based on decades of years' experience in producing OEM fashion handbags, backpacks, school bags and laptop bags.
We are a familial company which has two factories. The bigger one is in Hunan Province which has 200 workers and the smaller one located in Shiling, Huadu which has 30 workers. The capacity of production is 100,000 pieces, and our bags were sold all over the world.
We have a group of staff members who are mainly doing design and development. So the model in our company will never be out of fashion. We are seasoned in producing and can guarantee the quality. We can provide machining if you supply the materials or samples. We maintain the highest standard of ethic, value, integrity, reliability and team work, and build customer satisfaction with a vision to excel in whatever we do! We welcome customer from all over the world to visit our factory.