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alumans import & export services

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 alumans import & export services


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Alumans import export services is an agent & trading firm established since 2006 to provide services or partnership for clients throughout the world who are looking for suitable and quality products from Malaysia. We are representing some of the finest and well-established manufacturers in Malaysia.
Alumans import export services also specialised in sourcing of malaysian products for clients throughout the world. As a reliable and trustable firm, we can negotiate on behalf. This will solve the problems and time spend of you having to call, check and negotiate on every potential manufacturers while you may be half way round the world. Some of the manufacturers may have shifted or may not exist anymore!
Alumans import export services will help you eliminate the frustration of not getting the service you want or having to wait forever for a reply from manufacturers. As you know, a lot of manufacturers may not have the time or interest especially when dealing with unknown or small establishment. We are committed in giving the excellence of service.
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