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Legend of the Red Star of Rebirth [School]

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 Legend of the Red Star of Rebirth [School]


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 Only then did Qiaobashan cast his eyes on the young man in white costume in front of the barbecue grill again. As it happened, Liu Yimin turned around at this time and shouted with a smile: "Comrade Qiaobashan, welcome!"! You sit first, chat and drink tea, and I'll be ready soon. Qiaobashan was stunned. He had mixed feelings and did not know what to say. He was full of words about fighting and debating with Liu Yimin. After a long time, he followed Chen Yun to the round table on the lawn and began to drink tea and greet each other. When the mutton kebabs were cooked, to Qiao Bashan's surprise, Liu Yimin did not serve them first, but picked up the roasted mutton kebabs and gave them to the children one by one, not forgetting to kiss each child on the forehead. That appearance is simply not Liu Yimin, who oppresses the Northeast, but a loving father! The children ate a mouthful of oil, but also kept shouting, Qiaobashan and Chen Yun had to smell the attractive smell of meat, drink hot tea, and chat with each other. It was not until Liu Yimin sent the children away that the soldiers began to put the freshly roasted mutton kebabs, crispy bones and sheep waists on white porcelain plates. Liu Yimin is still busy,14 tube fitting, Chen Yun, Li Fuchun, Luo Ronghuan they can not wait. Chen Yun took a bamboo stick from the outer waist of a sheep and handed it to Qiao Bashan. "Here, Comrade Qiao Bashan," he said courteously, "have a taste of Commander Liu's skill. This is a great tonic for the outer waist of a sheep. Eat more!" The host was so kind that Choibalsan was embarrassed to keep a cold face. He could be the leader of the Mongolian People's Republic, and he was not the kind of person who could not be flexible. He could only take a bite of the sheep's waist handed over by Chen Yun. His mouth was full of fragrance,38 tube fitting, and the word "delicious" blurted out in Mongolian. Chen Yun laughed and said, "Comrade Qiao Bashan, I didn't lie to you, did I?"? Commander Liu's craftsmanship is really a must. If nothing else, you will be able to eat the barbecue of Commander Liu, and you have to drink two more cups with him and have a good exchange. Come on, eat more! With these words, Chen Yun picked up a few strings of mutton kebabs and stuffed them into Qiaobashan's hands. Chapter 1468 Choibalsan (continued). When Liu Yimin finished the barbecue and came to talk with Qiaobashan, Qiaobashan had almost eaten and was drinking beer. At a dinner party, the person who arranges the meal always eats at the end. Liu Yimin had a hard life and wanted to create a feeling of home for Qiaobashan, so he had to barbecue himself. As soon as he sat down, Liu Yimin was not polite either. He opened both hands, tube fitting manufacturer ,needle valve manufacturer, grabbed the long mutton kebab, and ate it. Only then did Qiaobashan have a chance to look at Liu Yimin carefully. His eyebrows and eyes were starry, his nose was like a hanging gallbladder, and his face was as bright as jade. He couldn't help but cry out in his heart. He felt that he was more handsome than the legendary image. He really looked like the characters in the New Year pictures sent by Chinese businessmen to the prairie in the past. In his majesty and solemnity, there was a kind of warmth and freedom of a learned scholar. Qiaobashan wondered in his heart. In the legend, Liu Yimin's martial arts were mysterious, and his chest was beautiful. He was a character who made the Japanese army lose their spirits when they mentioned him. How could he not look a little ferocious, but like a Han scholar who made people feel very kind at first sight? After Liu Yimin finished his meal, he drank a glass of beer. Then he went back to the building and washed up. He went back to the table on the lawn and sat down again. He took out a cigarette and a match, lit a cigarette, and took a few puffs. Then he said with a smile, "Comrade Qiaobashan, stop staring at me like this.". You're not a Mongolian beauty. If you look at me like that, I'll get goose bumps! Chen Yun and others laughed at once. The translator for Liu Yimin and Qiaobashan was Sakong, an outstanding Mongolian journalist. A former student of Peking University, he has been engaged in journalism since 1927. He has worked as an editor, editor-in-chief, professor and newspaper manager. He is one of the cultural celebrities rescued from Hong Kong when our army occupied Shanghai. After arriving in Shandong, he did not return to the rear area, but has been working with our army in the Dazhong Daily. This time, he went north with the army to the Northeast and participated in the work of accepting Japanese and puppet newspapers and periodicals in Shenyang and Changchun. Because Liu Yimin wanted to meet Qiaobashan, and Qiaobashan could not speak Chinese, Liu Yimin could not speak Mongolian, so he asked Sakong to act as an interpreter. In fact, Choibalsan is not completely ignorant of Chinese. When he was young, there were 100,000 Han people in Outer Mongolia. At that time, the official language was Mongolian and Chinese. Qiaobashan should have a rough understanding of Chinese. However, after he took charge of Mongolia, he was bent on promoting de-Sinicization. Not to mention that Mongolians were not allowed to speak Chinese, he did not even want the original Mongolian characters. Before Mongolia was occupied by the Japanese army, he was organizing people to create new Mongolian characters based on the phonetic alphabet of Slavic characters, and was preparing to develop a new set of Mongolian characters! Liu Yimin's words were so humorous and funny that he said he had a smile on his face when he was empty to translate. After listening to the translation, Qiaobashan hesitated for a moment, grinned, and suddenly said something unexpected to Liu Yimin: "Commander Liu is young and magnificent. He should go to the grassland and find some beautiful and strong grassland beauties to be his wives.". You Han women are beautiful and dewy, but they are too weak to stand the torment of a heroic man like you! After the translation, Liu Yimin smiled. After laughing, he said humorously, "Comrade Choibalsan,pipe fittings manufacturer, this topic cannot go on any longer.". "If we go on, the two of us will be like bohemian libertines, where are the revolutionary soldiers?" 。
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