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Chengdu smier Trading Co., Ltd

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 Chengdu smier Trading Co., Ltd


Main Product:bamboo fiber towel, bamboo fiber socks, etc.

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 Product Name: HuaFuGe suspender nightdress

Product model: f-002

Specification: L.xL.xxL

Ingredient: 100% bamboo fiber

Price: 176 dollars a piece

Color: more than three colors

The functions and features of bamboo fiber suspender nightdress are as follows:

1. Feel good, softer than cotton, like silk;

2. Warm in winter and cool in summer, super absorbent, determined by the hollow structure;

3. The sterilization rate was 95% (24h), and the flavor was not changed with bamboo fiber cloth,;

4. The blocking rate of ultraviolet is 417 times of that of cotton, and the blocking rate is close to 100% (200-400nm which is the most harmful to human body);

1. Soft and warm bamboo fiber textiles feel like "silk and satin". Bamboo fiber textiles have fine unit fineness, smooth handle, good whiteness and bright color; Strong toughness and wear resistance, unique resilience; It has strong longitudinal and transverse strength, and is stable and uniform with good drapability.

2. The cross section of hygroscopic and breathable bamboo fiber is full of large and small oval pores, which can instantly absorb and evaporate a lot of water. The water absorption of bamboo fiber is three times that of cotton. The high hollow natural cross-section makes the industry experts call bamboo fiber "breathing" fiber, also known as "fiber Queen". The moisture absorption, moisture resistance and air permeability of bamboo fiber rank first among all major textile fibers.

3. Bamboo fiber textiles with warm winter and cool summer are used in summer and autumn to make people feel cool and breathable; It is fluffy and comfortable to use in winter and spring, and can eliminate the excess heat and moisture in the body, without heat and dryness. The function of bamboo fiber textiles is warm in winter and cool in summer

Under the microscope, the same number of bacteria can multiply in cotton and wood fibers, while the bacteria on bamboo fiber products are killed more than 75% after 24 hours, which is not available in other textile materials. It has the natural beauty function of bamboo, the natural anti mite, anti odor, anti insect and negative ion characteristics.

5、 The UV penetration rate of anti UV bamboo fiber is 6 / 10000, and that of cotton is 25 / 10000. The anti UV ability of bamboo fiber is 417 times that of cotton.

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