Chinda Composite is originated since year 2004, as a professional supplier in composite industry,
Since year 2020, the covid19 is spreading beyond the expectation of most people, which have been causing a relatively large impact on the economy. On-line business is becoming a trend.
Chinda builds a bridge which connects values between customer and enterprise,between vendors and purchasers, between global countries and China ,in compoiste industry.
Chinda focuses on close docking of you and Chinese composite businesses. 1. Buying or selling your product in China 2. Looking for Chinese Subcontract manufacturering 3. As Local Quality inspector
We are supplying materials and machines for composite fields, from fiberglass to polyester, from roving to all kinds of mat, from woven fabric to non woven, from peel ply to all kind of mylar; from spraying appliance to mat cutting machine, from winding machine to pultrsion machine.
Any question or query in composite fields, only feel free to contact us.