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 Pesantenan Jaya International


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Natural Silk Waste
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Price: Negotiable 
MOQ: 1  
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Delivery time: From the date of payment from the buyer within days of delivery
update time: 2016-06-27 05:34  Valid to:Long-term effective
Natural silk waste is the production crop from silkworm rearing until to silk production.
The result of this process could be used to filling up belt quilt, to produce
spun silk, making handy craft, etc. There are several sources from this process
as follows:
1.	Pierced Cocoon, the result of breeding that have emerged from their cocoons:
2.	Double Cocoon or doupion, which result when two cocoons have been spun too closely
3.	Floss, brushed from cocoons before reeling,
4.	Friese, the coarse and uneven silk fibre at the beginning and end of each  cocoons,
5.	Scrap, the machine waste left over from reeling,
6.	Boiled Cocoon, the result of cooking cocoon,
7.	Thin end cocoon, one or both ends of the cocoon are very thin and risk bursting
when processed.
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