We have a quota from Seller for D2 Gas Oil origin from Russia with term and condition: QUANTITY - The total contractual quantity of the Commodity sold and purchased under this Agreement is TWELVE MILLIONS METRIC TONES (12,000,000 MTS) -The quantity to be delivered in the first month is ONE MILLION METRIC TONS (1,000,000 MTS) PRICE PRICE CALCULATIONS: The price shall be determined by the average of three consecutive days around the Bill of Lading (B/L) date (the day before, the day of B/L, and the day after) for the price index (Index). The Index is defined as the quotation reported by Platt S GENOA/LAVERA, under the Heading Cargoes Gas Oil D2 under CIF, less the Gross discount of US$18.00 and the Net discount of US$14.00 per MetricTon, to the Buyer. Next procedure, please send us your LOI and BLCO. We are sorry, we only deal with end buyer/mandate.
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