Dear Sir,
A Jambi (Sumatra) coalmine is being offered for Takeover as follows:
1) Production Licence (IUP Produksi) for this 2,300 Ha concession (KP) lasts till 2030.
2) Survey & Boring have been undertaken. The mineable coal reserves is estimated to be 25 million metric tons.
3) Stripping Ratio (SR) = 1:4 & 1:6 (depending on area).
4)Total number of bore/drill = 109 coordinates within 4,000 Ha but more concentrated within 600 Ha covering seam A, B, C, D, E, F. Exploration & Exploitation Licence is 4,000 Ha but Production Licence is 2,300 Ha.
5)The SUCOFINDO lab test shows the GCV to be 5300 - 5100 kCal/kg.
6) The Takeover Price is USD 25 MILLION (negotiable).
Please feel free to contact me for further details.
Kind regards,