Sodium Ascorbate
Genuinely alkaline Vitamin C
Vitamin C has intrinsic antiviral and antibacterial activity.
It improves host resistance. Humans do not manufacture their own Vitamin C.
The Recommended Daily Allowance for Adults is about 60mg and isnormally available from fruits and vegetables but the 500 mg needed forimmuno-boosting and sickness prevention can only be obtained fromsupplements.
RED-C® is the Essential, Non-Acidic, Vitamin-C Supplement for all ages.
Non-Acidic Vitamin C?
RED-C® is the mineral salt of Ascorbic Acid, hence, its non-acidic form.
Promotes General Immune Boosting.
Prevents or retards the onset of Flu and Colds; speedy recovery.
Assists in the healing of wounds from injuries.
Aids the body in fighting infection.
Because it is non-acidic, it does not promote gastric acidity upon intake.
In powder form, available in easy-to-tear sachets; easily mixedwith water or any cold beverage for easy ingestion and quickabsorption.