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Montano Sardines
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Price: Negotiable 
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Delivery time: From the date of payment from the buyer within days of delivery
update time: 2024-03-12 01:00  Valid to:Long-term effective
MONTANO SARDINES ( Spanish Sardines )
Gourmet "Spanish -style" sardines
Packed in glass jars
The sardines, headless and cooked whole in corn oil with salt, whole peppercorns, some pickles, carrots and chilies,
Hot enough to make you forget the oiliness of the fare, but tame enough to let the fresh sweetness of the of the sardines shine through.
Sweet - no fishy hint taste,
Handled with the greatest care - cleaned thoroughly and processed straight from the sea, and flavored just right
24 bottles/case.
Orders excludes freight which is for the account of the buyer
Available with corn oil, or tomato sauce & olive oil.
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