It is a salted dried fish that is best paired with hot rice and dippedin vinegar. Others prefer a mixture of vinegar and crushed chilipeppers with a dash of salt. Others might want to add a little bit moreof spices to enhance the flavor. Onions, garlics, ginger are some ofthe favorites. However it is done, the tastiness of danggit ismagnified ten times when there's vinegar around. But with or withoutit, people still find them a very tasty treat for any meal at any timeof day and at any physical condition - that is to say, whether one ishungry or not.
Dubbed as a poor man's food like any other types of dried fish, richand poor alike love to eat this typical Cebuano delicacy. For theultimate danggit experience, eat with your bare hands. Eating in barehands is a Filipino way of showing humility. But setting humilityaside, spoon and fork provides little assistance when eating danggit.If at all, it only makes the eating experience difficult. Setting asideman-made utensils is setting aside everything else just to enjoy a goodmeal of a bunch of good ol' danggit.
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