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Philippine Taiyo Aqua Farming Corporation

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 Philippine Taiyo Aqua Farming Corporation


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Live Chilled Fresh 100% Cultured (From Hatchery) Coral Trout Grouper
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Price: Negotiable 
MOQ: 100  
Total supply:
Delivery time: From the date of payment from the buyer within days of delivery
update time: 2022-02-04 01:00  Valid to:Long-term effective

My company's product is 100% cultured blue dotted coral trout and as of now we are the only company in the world that can successfully hatch and grow out this species in large volume. Our production per year is 100 tons and every year is expected to double until it reaches 500 tons per year.


I can supply 2000-3000kgs per week and provide you with a stable order and price.


What makes my product unique is, we perform what the Seafood industry call, "Live Chilled", which means we harvest the fish LIVE and we freeze it to death in a bucket of ice for 30 minutes. This way when the fish dies, the Freshness of the fish is at it's peak. This procedure benefits countries like USA and EU where Blue Dotted Coral Trout (TungShing) cannot be transported Live to them. This kind of procedure is also not common because the Live Blue Dotted Coral Trout is sold at a high price as compared to Fresh. However, my company hatch our own fishes through our 2 hectare hatchery so that is why we can afford to perform this kind of process.


We have no problem selling Live as our fish is very in demand, however as the manager of the company i plan to open the Fresh Fish route in hopes of selling to USA, China and EU which my company has the proper certificate to enable to send to those places i just listed.



If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.



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