Converde “Complete” RiceGro™ is specifically formulated to enhance the quality, quantity, resilience and shelf life of rice, while decreasing growth time and increasing yields.
1] Dilution: Converde “Complete” ™ Fertilizer concentrate must be mixed with water, in at a least a 10:1 ratio of parts water to concentrate. You can use any water mix that your spraying apparatus allows for and is most cost effective, as long as it is a minimum of 10:1 and maximum of 200:1.
2] Coverage as Fertilizer: Converde “Complete” ™ Fertilizers are formulated to cover 1/3 of an acre per gallon; accordingly, 3 gallons should be applied per acre, for good soil and climate conditions.
Coverage may need to be increased from 3-7 gallons per acre, depending upon the nutrient requirements of the soil and crops.
3] Coverage as Fertilizer Enhancer: If being applied as a fertilizer enhancer, in addition to traditional NPK applications, only 1 gallon per acre is required.
4] Application: Converde “Complete” ™ Fertilizers should be applied using the most cost effective means of mixing our concentrate with water and assuring that it is spread over the desired coverage area.
This usually means using whatever equipment you normally use to irrigate or apply liquid products to your crops, inclusive of normal agitation associated therewith; including, application at the same time.
A] If you are applying liquid pesticides [insecticides, fungicides and herbicides], Converde “Complete”™ Fertilizers can be applied at the same time, as long as there is a minimum water to concentrate mix of 10:1 and the appropriate coverage can be
B] If you are irrigating, Converde “Complete” ™ Fertilizers can be applied at the same time; preferably with a regulator, assuring at a least a minimum 10:1 water mix and the appropriate coverage.
C] If you do not irrigate, tractor sprayers or backpack sprayers may be used to apply Converde “Complete” ™ Fertilizers.
Science background
1. Converde “Complete”™ Fertilizers, our proprietary liquid fertilizer solution, includes a highly decomposed form of organic matter, with a high exchange capacity; thus, it serves as a highly effective soil and fertilizer enhancer: increasing yields, reducing costs, lessening irrigation needs and reducing pollutant run-off, while restoring, replenishing and nourishing the soil
2. Converde “Complete”™ Fertilizers increase the organic matter in soil, enhancing the soil exchange capacity [both cation + and anion -], making macro-nutrients more readily available and for a longer period of time, to the plant, through their
root and capillary system; and in addition, are rich in secondary and micro nutrients; all of which are necessary for enhanced yields, quantitatively and qualitatively
a. Macro nutrients are:
Nitrogen-N (both cation+ and anion-)
Phosphorus-P (anion-)
Potassium-K (cation+)
b. Micro nutrients, including secondary nutrients are:
Calcium-Ca (cation+), Zinc-Zn (cation+), Sulfur-S (anion-),
Magnesium-Mg (cation+), Chlorine-Cl (anion-), Boron-B (anion-),
Molybdenum-Mo (anion-), Copper-Cu (cation+), Iron-Fe (cation+),
Manganese-Mn (cation+), Cobalt-Co (cation+) and
Nickel-Ni (cation+)
c. With our formulations, the level of organic matter in the soil increases with each successive application
d. The organic content within the soil is the key variable; the less there is, the greater the effectiveness of our proprietary formulations
e. Most soils, because of their humus and clay content, have a much higher cation exchange capacity than anion exchange capacity; both are necessary for highest yields and healthiest soil
f. Soil types associated with higher crop growth have a good balance of clay and humus content, relative to the sand and silt content
g. Clay and humus have a higher exchange capacity, most of which is cation vs. anion; relative to sand and silt, which have virtually no exchange capacity, especially anion
3. Converde “Complete”™ Fertilizers, reduce the leaching and runoff of macro nutrient sources; they also reduce volatilization, enabling the plants to utilize more quickly and for a longer period of time, both macro and micro nutrients.
a. All plants, in order to be most fruitful, both quantitatively and qualitatively, including maintaining health, heartiness and nutritional value, need a plentiful supply of both macro and micro nutrients; the most common sources of macro nutrients are urea and other NPK fertilizers
b. Our formulations, if used as a fertilizer enhancer, enhance the effectiveness of urea and other NPK fertilizers, by making macro nutrients more readily available and for a longer period of time; thus, also reducing harmful pollutant run-off, including related red tide effect
c. Our formulations include a high concentration of negatively charged exchange sites that adsorb positively charged ions [cations], including nitrogen [in the ammonium state] and potassium; as well as a high concentration of positively charged exchange sites that adsorb negatively charged ions [anions], including nitrogen [in the nitrate and nitrite state] and phosphorus; thus, reducing the amount of non-adsorbed ions, lessening the amount of volatilization and leaching below the root zone
d. Our formulations reduce the negative effect prolonged imbalanced use of urea and traditional NPK fertilizers can have on soils, especially nitrogen sources, such as ammonia; which may:
i. cause dispersion of clay minerals and have a negative effect on soil structure and tillability; and
ii. reduce soil microbes, including beneficial algae, bacteria and fungi
e. These negative effects are reduced when the organic molecule adsorbs both macro and micro nutrient ions
4. Converde “Complete”™ Fertilizers boosts nutrient uptake of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and zinc
a. Our formulations enhance the uptake of monovalent cations, like ammonium and potassium, by speeding up the active nutrient uptake process in plant roots.
b. Our formulations provide better macro nutrient efficiency and availability; improving the ability to manage nitrogen levels
5. Converde “Complete”™ Fertilizers increase the available water holding capacity of the soil; thus, with consistent annual use, reducing the amount of irrigation needed to maintain high yields
6. Converde “Complete”™ Fertilizers, regardless of the soil type or balance of soil nutrients, begins to restore, replenish and nourish the soil by providing a greater exchange capacity, including cation and anion; both critical for ensuring a proper
balance and availability within the soil of macro, micro and secondary nutrients; all necessary for heartier and healthier soils, crops, flowers, fruits and plants.