What's BB cream? It's Asia's and possibly the World's First All-in-One Cosmetic Product.
BB CREAM = Base + Foundation + Concealer + (Natural Makeup) +Sunblock + Moisturiser + Oil Control + Healing Properties (SkinRegeneration, Pore Tightening, Skin Toning) + Optional Feature(Anti-Wrinkle/Brightening/Whitening)EFFECT OF BB CREAM:
It provides coverage just like afoundation by covering up all acne, pores, marks, lines and uneven skincolour spots BUT without clogging the pores/damaging the skin. Instead,it helps tighten pores and improve the skin condition.
After continuously using it fora month of you, it will leave you with better skin complexion (muchsmoother, softer and refined skin).
How this works is that every time you use it, it acts as aprotective layer which controls excess oil and at the same time givingit enough moisture it to make very healthy. It also protects againstall harmful UV rays and environmental damage so that your skin willstay healthy. Plus with its special healing properties derived from itsnatural ingredients (such as White Hazel, Aloe & Caviar extract)which promotes skin regeneration and pore tightening, the end resultafter using it for 1 month of more is a much smoother, softer andrefined skin that will make your face complexion gorgeous!!
General BB Cream Characteristics:
Provides coverage just like a foundation but without clogging pores/damaging the skin
Natural no makeup look
Conceals all types of pigmentation, discoloration, acne and marks
Perfect coverage without clogging pores
Quick all-in-one base, foundation and concealer
Healing properties which soften, smoothen and refine skin
Encourages skin regeneration to create and maintain youthful skin
UV Protection for healthy skin (check product details for SPF level)
Some BB cream has additional features such as anti-wrinkle, whitening functions etc. (check product details for more info)
Out of 200 random online users surveyed froma Singaporean beauty forum, around 93% of the 100+ girls that used BBcream likes it and wants to continue using it. This finding was done ona neutral forum and was NOT sponsored by any company.
Soonafter, Korean celebs started using the cream and a craze was born.Bigcompanies then took the idea and turned it into a productwidelyavailable to the public. The new product is suitable for allskintypes, especially those with sensitive and acne-prone skin. It hastheadvantages of both a makeup and skincare product. It can evenoutskintone, camouflage undereye circles, acne scars and add radiancetothe skin without the heavy mask-like effects of a foundation.Prolongedused of the product will also help improve the overall textureof theskin and fade acne scars.