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GC life healthy and sliming products
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update time: 2024-08-25 01:00  Valid to:Long-term effective

1 box = 20 sachets
7 box = RM398 bonus and so on.
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GC lifes have Cleanse Plus Pineapple Cleanse plus
-GC Life Cleanse containing the 3 essential factors in balancing intestines lactobacillus, which including Dietary Fibers, Oligosaccharide, and also Lactobacillus. These 3 essential factors form a golden triangles for healthy intestines, works efficacy, maintaining internal circulation, detoxification, maintaining the cleanliness and healthy of our intestines. Besides, GC Life Cleanse also helps to blocking the absorption of fats and burning the excess fats in body, thus giving you a slim and trim figure.

Consumption Recommendation: 1 - 2 sachets each day, take early in the morning with empty stomach or before go to bed.

(20 sachets x 12gm per box)

* Promotion Package : RM398 = 7 Boxes

GC life white cafe & cafe plus & Cocoa plus
-GC Life White Cocoa Plus completely effective especially for Asians diet that mainly consuming rice and noodles. Through clinical certification with super-effectiveness result and create Japan 20 billion yen sales. The pioneer 9 total slimming steps balancing slimming and healthy with internal cleansing and external blockade.The pioneer 9 total slimming steps with internal cleansing and external blockade.

Consumption Recommendation: 2 - 3 sachets each day, take after meal.

* Take with GC Life Cleanse for more effective result

(20 sachets x 20gm per box)

 * Promotion Package : RM398 = 7 Boxes

GC life Natto Gin Plus
Natto is the fermented substance of soybean. It has been consumed by the Japanese for thousands of years. From the historical record during Edo period, it is indicated that natto is a natural antibiotic and thus becomes the most characteristic national treasure food of Japan. Natto has more effective thrombolytic functions without causing any side effect, prevent stroke, inhibit celebrovascular and cardiovascular disease, fight against cancers and tumors, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, antioxidation, delay aging, antibacterial effect and so on.


Natto is best consumed after dinner, as thrombolytic disorders such as myocardial infarction usually occurs during night time or in the morning, while thrombolytic rate is higher within 2-8 hours after natto consumption. Hence consumption of natto at night is effective to prevent onset of certain diseases.

(20 capsules x 450mg per box)

* Promotion Package : RM398 = 7 Boxes


GC life lady secret key plus
-Lady Secret Key Plus has exclusive effects to promote the secondary growth of female reproductive system rapidly, hence leading to breasts enlargement as well as enhancement of female characteristics including marked improvement of vagina, uterus, ovaries, skin, hair and eyes. The activity of Lactobacillus plantarum contained in Lady Secret Key Plus is 60 times of soybean, which is the highest among the known plants in the world to date.

Consumption Recommendation: 2 sachets each day, take early in the morning with empty stomach or before go to bed.

(20 sachets x 2.5gm per box)

* Promotion Package : RM398 = 7 Boxes

Lady Secret Key Plus has exclusive effects to promote the secondary growth of female reproductive system rapidly, hence leading to breasts enlargement as well as enhancement of female characteristics including marked improvement of vagina, uterus, ovaries, skin, hair and eyes. The activity of Lactobacillus plantarum contained in Lady Secret Key Plus is 60 times of soybean, which is the highest among the known plants in the world to date.

Consumption Recommendation: 2 sachets each day, take early in the morning with empty stomach or before go to bed.

(20 sachets x 2.5gm per box)

* Promotion Package : RM398 = 7 Boxes

Lady Secret Key Plus has exclusive effects to promote the secondary growth of female reproductive system rapidly, hence leading to breasts enlargement as well as enhancement of female characteristics including marked improvement of vagina, uterus, ovaries, skin, hair and eyes. The activity of Lactobacillus plantarum contained in Lady Secret Key Plus is 60 times of soybean, which is the highest among the known plants in the world to date.

Consumption Recommendation: 2 sachets each day, take early in the morning with empty stomach or before go to bed.

(20 sachets x 2.5gm per box)

* Promotion Package : RM398 = 7 Boxes

Drink up shape up anytime of the day! Non fasting needed without rebounding, non colouring

non artificial

important key: our products are natural organic.

In order to expand your business or to use the product or

For further information please call Mis fang  +60164752277.or 0162107927 or  +60124686649

Company addresed: 76B, Pahang Road, 10400 Penang Malaysia.

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