SandFiDietr Meal
.Nutritious& wholesome diet
-Enrichwith vitamin A,E,B1,B2,Panthothenic,Calcium and Iron.
-High invitamin C,Protein,niacin,Folic Acid,Zinc and Magnesium.
.Containscarbohydrate blocker
-Added withPhase 2,an exclusive,all-natural nutritional ingredient extracted from
White kidney beans,which is able to blockabsorption of carbohydrate into your
.High infiber
-Increasesatiety feeling to help you overcome HUNGER PANGS.
.Tasty,comesin 2 flavours-banana and mushroom
.Clinicallytested safe and effective active ingredients
The active ingrediens
-To blockthe conversion of sugary foods and starch into fats
-Increasesthe production of glycogen in the liver and suppresses appetite
-Helps toincreases the bodys production of heat by activating the process of
.Chromium yeast
-Lowersbody fat
-Increaseslean body mass,greater fat-burning potential.
ConjugatedLinoleic Acid(CLA)
-Increasesadipocyte apoptosis.Apoptosis,also called cell suicide,
Is the disintegration of fat cells.Byincreasing the rate of apoptosis,
CLA is able to decrease the number of existingfat cells.
-Increasescarnitine palmitoyltransferase (CPT) that helps fat burning.
Phase 2White Kidney Bean
-Promotesfat loss by neutralizing ingested starches.
-Reducesthe amount of starch absorbed from starchy meals and promote
Loss of body fat.
SandFiCranitine Juice
.Fat burning
-Formulatedwith L-Carnitine.
.Contains antioxidant
-Antioxidantsstrength comes from the anthocyanin pigments that tint berries
Red, black, blue and purple
-Rich inphytonutrients-anthocyanins,ellagic acid,isothiocynates and quercitin
.Safeconvenient and easy to consume.
Active Ingredients
-Is a greatfat loss aid as it can help to increase muscle strength, energy and
Increase fat burning efficiency
-L-carnitineis used by the body to transport long chain fatty acids to the
mitochondria in the bodys cells.These longchain fatty acids are then burned
for muscular energy.
MixedBerries Juice
-Highantioxidants,Folic Acid,Vitamin C,Zinc and phytonutrients