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Integrated spark and fire extinguishing systems offer protection for planers and moulders
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update time: 2023-07-05 01:00  Valid to:Long-term effective
Anyone who works in a planing mill knows the risk of fire that comes from planers or moulders. In the past, fires in planing mills can stop productions for several weeks. There are different causes that can be considered as ignition source, but very often, it is a piece of wood that is jammed and is ignited through frictional heat. The risk is higher with an increased production speed which is necessary to achieve higher productivity. Furthermore, there is a higher level of automation. Therefore, personnel monitoring the production process also decreases. Both factors - increasing planing speeds and a high level of automation to increase productivity - increase the potential risk of fire. By means of a GreCon early fire detection , combined with automatic extinguishment systems, this risk of fire can be effectively reduced. Besides spark extinguishment within the exhaust pipes, the water extinguishment components use little water due to new water spraying technique. It is also used in the planer cabin or in the covering hoods of the planer or in the bottom engine bed.
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