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MF3 Swiss Placenta Stem Cell Softgel
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Price: Negotiable 
MOQ: 100  
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Delivery time: From the date of payment from the buyer within days of delivery
update time: 2025-01-22 01:00  Valid to:Long-term effective

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MFIII PE hi-tech softgels are fully researched and developed in Switzerland and Germany. The method employed in unique softgel capsules produces cells which remain biologically active (a proven technique for gently conserving biological substances) without damaging the effectiveness of the valuable, big, bio-active matter. 


MFIII PE (Sheep Placenta Extracts) is obtained from stringently selected and certified closed colony healthy sheep of 40 generations. The PE cell culture is 99% water soluble and is from pure raw materials without any foreign contents. Sheep Placenta Extract proteins are particularly compatible with the human body and trigger no immune reactions. Ovine extraction is a rich source of nutrients coupled with growth factors and bio active cytokines. Scientific studies concluded that MFIII PE contains high level of special proteins which promote cell growth, regulate hormone secretion and strengthen the immune system. It has been proven through double-blinded placebo-controlled clinical studies at the Clinical Skin TestingDepartment Swiss Skin Testing Institute Neuchâtel of Switzerland that MFIII PE (Sheep Placenta Extracts) enhances and invigorates our bodies with a wide range of anti-aging, health and beauty benefits:

Aesthetics/ Skin

Effective concentration of clinically proven facial rejuvenation 

Enhance the effectiveness of anti-ageing skin regimen by 
  protecting and restoring the skin.

Maximize the rejuvenation benefits by adding anti-ageing 

Diminish fine lines and wrinkles.

Effectively treat damaged skin.

Bone/ Joint

Boost body’s natural repair process.

Support health joints, nerves and skin.

Improves range of motion, support joint lubrication and 
  reduce minor pains and aches.

Nourish muscles and bones.

Immune System is the most essential part of the body; 
therefore, it needs to be maintained in strong and healthy condition.

Support speedy recovery form illness and bad state of health.

Act as energy booster to overcome feeling of weakness.

Promote effective functioning of the immune system.

Prevent premature degeneration of the body cells.

Anti-Aging, Stamina, Vitality And Longevity

Comprise of natural antioxidants and phytonutrients to nourish 
  every layer of the body especially the blood, muscle, bone and 
  reproductive tissue.

Help resist the effects of ageing, correcting imbalances and  
  repairing damaged cells.

Repairs free-radical damage cells; therefore, slow ageing 
  process, creating deep and lasting rejuvenation.

Strengthen the body natural detox system to power up  
  digestion and assimilation.

Improve stress response and balance energy levels.

Enhance overall health and longevity.

Enhance resistance to effects of aging.

Balance and purify the reproductive system.

Strengthen sensory function.

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