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Furniture Fikamar

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 Furniture Fikamar


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Exterior Solid Wooden Door
We are wood working and furniture industry for home, office, hotel, appartment or projects.
Wooden Bridge Teak Wood
We are wood working and Woodenfurniture industry, made all kind of wooden products for home, office, hotel, appartment,
CAB 5 cabinet
Made from Oak, Mahogany or Teak wood
Garden Teak Furniture set
We produceall kind of outdoor Garden Teak Furniture, such as Tables, chairs, Gazebo, Bridge, Fence, Steamer, Lounger, Ha
Garden Teak Furniture set
We produceall kind of outdoor Garden Teak Furniture, such as Tables, chairs, Gazebo, Bridge, Fence, Steamer, Lounger, Ha
Wooden Chair And Sofa Set
We produce Arm Chair, Side Chair, Sofa Set, Stools, other chair based on customer need on design, kind of wood, colour,e
Solid Exterior Wooden Doors
We are wood working furniture Industry with full machinery to produce the goods in total area 20,000sqm which divided b
Wooden Bridge Teak Wood
We are wood working and Woodenfurniture industry, made all kind of wooden products for home, office, hotel, appartment,
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